I am licensed to practice law in New York since 1985 and in New Mexico since 1987. I practice as a solo practitioner and have provided legal services in various capacities for Legal Services, local attorneys and state agencies. From 2006 until 2007 I was general council for the Developmental Disabilities Planning Council, Office of Guardianship.
I left New Mexico in late ’70’s to obtain a law degree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law in New York City. Prior to returning to New Mexico, I worked in a large Wall Street law firm.
I am a Real Estate Broker with RGRGroup, LLC, a local real estate firm that works primarily through referrals.

Cases I was and am particularly proud of being a part of were:
- a class action against the state of New Mexico’s Human Services Department, a state agency, for failure to provide timely determination notices to indigents applying for state aid;
- a case I declined to argue in lower court, but the Supreme Court subsequently insisted I argue before them, that the law should be changed to allow homeowners in foreclosure to claim a lien interest in the equity of their foreclosed homes for the sole purpose of ensuring that the property was sold at fair market value; and
- a case that originated in Magistrate Court that was dismissed but I was asked to argue before the Supreme Court. I was asking the court to allow homeowners to sue overreaching attorneys in small claim’s court (which is affordable to homeowners) for charging excessive attorney fees in foreclosure actions. It might have put to end cases where attorneys, as in that case, charge $4,000 for filing three or four documents in court that might normally cost only $500.